Certificates & Courses

Each year, CGEN offers four courses focused on building students’ competencies in design thinking, global development, and participatory research. In addition to learning key technical skills to enable them to solve real global challenges, students are afforded opportunities in those courses to conduct field visits to implement their ideas or to expand their understanding of the problems faced by vulnerable communities.

Certificate in Global Engineering

For undergraduate students interested in strengthening their proficiency on topics related to engineering and global development, CGEN offers the Certificate in Global Engineering. To attain it, students must complete a minimum of three courses per the requirements below:

One of the following electives

Note: If you are enrolled in a Global Engineering capstone project, we may count it as one of the two required core courses. For more information on that matter, please contact us.

Emphasis in Engineering and Globalization

As with undergraduates, engineering graduate students who would like to develop a career in international development may be interested in pursuing the Emphasis in Engineering and Globalization. To receive the Emphasis notation on your transcript, you are required to complete 2.0 credits worth of courses in accordance with the following requirements:

Remaining credits from the following electives:


  • If you are undertaking an MEng project which is aligned in scope to CGEN's mandate, credits from that project may be used to count toward the elective portion of the Emphasis. For more information, please contact us.
  • Students who complete the requirements of the Emphasis in Engineering and Globalization will no longer be provided with a certificate, instead the emphasis will be notated on directly on their transcript